Rekettyési-Rettenetes szálkásszőrű tacskó kennel

Autumn results


Dear visitors!

I haven’t told you about our achievements for a long time, so I think it’s time to report on the success of the fall events.

Hokuspokus vom Alten Friedrich “Ferdinand” ‘s first fall event was the Jakabszállás CAC show on September 22nd, where he earned E1 CAC.                                                                                                                                                                                           

On 4-5-6 of October he participated on the CACIB show in Komárom. The foreign judges liked him so much. He did very well on two days out of three, on both of them he earned E1 CAC, Res. CACIB titles.

On 26 of October he participated on the I. Berek Cup. He made 92 points (I. prize) on wild boar, received 100 points CACT on fox, and 27 points on water-test. With 219 points he earned the III. place on the Berek Cup.

On 2nd of November he participated on Nagyatád Rinya Cup, where he achieved 92 points (I. prize) on fox, and 100 points CACT on wild boar. Ferdinand fulfilled the requirements of the Hungarian Working Champion title.

Göröci Ugrasztó Vackor “Saci” also took part on the I. Berek Cup on 26 of October, where she received 100 points CACT on fox, and achieved the III. place on this phase. With this result she fulfilled the requirements of the Hungarian Working Champion title.

